Principles we design by

We believe we have a responsibility for any design we create, material, digital or service. Good design should come from an empathic and responsible view of the world. This means considering the impact of a design in the broadest context possible, in every step of the creative process. These are the guidelines that we adhere by:

Onze circulaire ontwerp principes;

Wat we maken heeft effect op onze omgeving, en als ontwerpers moeten we hier bewust van zijn. Goed ontwerp is empatisch en verantwoordelijk, en wordt ontwikkeld met een zorgvuldige beoordeling van de context waarbinnen het gebruikt wordt. Rekening houden met niet alleen de materiële invloed op omgeving en resources, maar ook onze verhouding met objecten is van belang in het ontwikkelen van circulaire producten. Dit zijn de circulaire ontwerp-principes die we gebruiken in onze creatieve processen:

Design to last

for the longest possible lifespan. Careful consideration of construction as well as adaptability to changing needs is essential to maximise lifespan.

Design to attach

people to the products they use. Create meaningful products; products that work well, work intuitively and are joyful to use.

Design to minimise

use of material and energy resources. If it can be done with less, do. If it can do without, leave it out. The most sustainable product, is no product.

Design to re-use

materials that would otherwise devalue. There is beauty in upgrading materials.

Design to rethink

our relation to products, materials and energy resources. Have products tell the story of better alternatives.

Design for repair

of the things we would otherwise discard. Make things less complex, more transparent. To create the lowest threshold for repair, maximising lifespan.

Design to cultivate

positivity and joy. Products should support the values and ambitions we hold for our best selves.

Collaborate with us, get in touch.